Acclaimed author and screenwriter Neil Gaiman, known best for his Sandman series and novella-turned-film Coraline, is stepping into game development with a new project titled Wayward Manor. Gaiman says that the story for Wayward Manor didn't begin as a game, but developed into one as he dived in deeper.
It follows an apparition in a 1920s New England house (a manor, if you will) who's attempting to scare the house's new residents out. Gaiman's teaming with P.B. Winterbottom dev team The Odd Gentlemen to complete his goal -- no gameplay is shown in the introduction vid, which you can see below, but it's described as a "puzzle/adventure game hybrid." The first piece of the game should arrive "this fall," according to the video, and it's headed to PC, Mac, and tablets.
Source (plus Video): ENGADGET