Samsung is reportedly preparing to unveil its next flagship phablet, the Galaxy Note 5, and a super-sized version of the Galaxy S6 Edge next month. We've already seen images of a dummy phone revealing the design of the S6 Edge Plus — yes, it's just a bigger version of the regular model. These latest photos, posted by Mobile Fun (and snapped with an iPhone), show the device running Android 5.1.1. Presumably that fresh version of Android will also be running on the Galaxy Note 5, which is certainly the more interesting of these two phones.
Assuming these photos are legitimate (they're pretty blurry with some questionable image artifacts), the Note 5 looks like an enlarged version of the Galaxy S6, but with corners that aren't quite as rounded. Samsung seems poised to carry over the glass-and-metal design, as the same antenna lines from the S6 are also visible on this phone. Aside from that, there's not much to see other than a home button and a tempered glass screen protector shielding the display.
It's been reported that the Note 5 will feature an even faster processor than the S6, 4GB of RAM, a massive battery, and perhaps even a USB Type-C port. Unfortunately, these photos don't directly confirm or refute rumors that Samsung will be ditching a removable battery and microSD storage for the Note line — just as it's already done with the S6. But the company is said to be planning an earlier-than-usual reveal in mid-August, so we'll know far more in a matter of weeks.