The Sony CMT-SX7 HiFi was supposed to be a compact, high-end sound system with multi-room capabilities and a full suite of wireless streaming standards (including AirPlay and Google Cast). Instead, it's a recalled safety hazard that doesn't play music right, makes your dog bark and threatens to catch on fire. Sony has issued an impassioned plea to stop using the stereo immediately. You probably don't have one (it's brand-new, and only available in Japan right now), but if you do, you should listen.
According to the company's official (and machine translated) statement, the CMT-SX7 has a tendency to put out very loud high-frequency signals while playing music--it's inaudible to the human ear, but it'll drive your pets crazy.
It's a possible fire hazard, too: Sony says the setup's tweeters can become hot enough to smoke and break. The company asks users to stop using the unit and to unplug it from the wall, just to be safe.Sony is still working out how to handle recalls and repairs, but promises to post an update for owners sometime in the next two weeks. Bookmark the source link below to keep tabs on the situation.