Wacom's Bamboo line of products have always been far more whimsical and user-friendly than the rest of its professional offerings, and it's taken that a step further today with the introduction of the Bamboo Loop digital card app for iOS. Essentially, the app lets you doctor up a photo with graphics and different styles to create a greeting card of sorts that you can ship off to a friend. If you're on the receiving end of the card, you can scribble on it and "loop" it back to the sender -- sort of like a digital version of passing notes back and forth in class. Of course, you're free to upload your cards to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram too if you feel like sharing them with the world. The app itself is free, though you can cough up an extra $2 if you want to get additional style packs. It runs on iOS5 and higher, and you can download it from the iTunes store starting today. As for those on Android, hold tight, because Loop should be available to you as well pretty soon.