Sony's PlayStation Vita gaming handheld caps its selectable content at 100 items, one unlucky forum user recently found out. Despite having a 32GB memory card for the Vita with 9GB of free space left, the Vita told him (as seen above) that the device caps displayable content at 100 items. Worse yet, anything beyond the 100 had to be outright deleted, and the Vita had to be restarted -- if you want to access anything beyond the 100, you need to delete something else. Egads! The Vita in question contained a 32GB memory card with "around 50 [PlayStation] Minis, 10 PSOne titles, 20 or so mandatory apps, and 20 Vita/PSP games/apps" -- something we could easily see ballooning now that PlayStation Plus is on Vita.
Management of memory card data can (thankfully) be handled on a PC or Mac using Content Manager Assistant, lest you worry that your data is trapped. Still, having to hot swap between (expensive, proprietary) memory cards on the Vita kinda flies in the face of large storage capacity memory cards, like the 32GB one employed by the unlucky person who discovered the limitation. For its part, Sony isn't saying anything just yet, but we'll update if we hear more.
Source: Engadget