Nestled in the corner of its home appliances stand, Samsung's upgraded T9000 fridge-freezer stood imposingly next to last year's model, but the major differences here are an expanded touchscreen and improved app selection -- including Evernote integration. We had a few pokes at the interface, which also includes a read-only Twitter client and Epicurious access and it's relatively responsive -- if not up to the standard of your favorite tablet. But given that it's Evernote, your grocery demands / last ditch pleas for milk can easily be hooked up to any device capable of running the popular app. This particular appliance also includes an exchangeable quadrant that can act as either a fridge or a freezer. Unfortunately, Samsung isn't telling us anything when it comes to prices or launch dates, but it'd be a shame to see this gigantic WiFi fridge turn into vaporware. We've got a tour of the T9000 uploading -- it'll be up soon.
Source: Engadget