There was much (some?) tearing of clothes and gnashing of teeth when Apple pulled its YouTube app from iOS 6. That pain was lessened by Google's promise of a standalone app to replace it, and now Big G's version has arrived, ready to be installed on the legions of new iPhones to come. YouTube's touting the app's fresh channel guide -- that lets users swipe from left to right to reveal a screen with easy access to their channel subscriptions -- and better search features as the main attractions of the new software. Oh, and for folks with ten-inch Apple screens, YouTube has assured us that its engineers are back in the lab cooking up an iPad-specific version set to show up "in the coming months." Until then, the phone version will have to suffice, and you can grab it at the iTunes source link below.
Source: Official YouTube blog/Engadget
Source: Official YouTube blog/Engadget