On the one hand, the new HTC's One smartphone line looked intriguing when it was announced, and it suggested optimistic feelings about the company's future. On the other hand, the reality turned out not so unclouded as the manufacturer wished and even as its fans, like me, did. Starting from the middle of 2011, the price of the company's shares has fallen down by almost a factor of ten: in May 2011, one share cost about TWD 2,500 (USD 83), but in July 2012, it's only TWD 280 (USD 9).
It's obvious that in this situation the company had to change something, to revise its views on its own product family and its scale, and to set some other priorities for its smartphones in various price categories. And HTC is really trying to make something. Probably, the Desire V represents exactly this kind of an attempt in a new market segment, as this is not only their first dual-SIM handset ever, but also one of the few middle-end dual-SIM smartphones on the market, while all the dual-SIM handsets available today belong to the low-end sector.
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