PS4 Preorders sold out on Amazon, international preorders not possible anymore

It is no surprise that the Playstation 4 seems to be reaching records in terms of pre-order sales. There’s no question that Sony is benefiting from a strong series of announcements around its next-generation console (strong line up, good support of indie devs, reasonable price,…) but also from the disastrous communication around their main competitor: Microsoft’s Xbox one.

I am myself extremely excited about the PS4, and even more so when I discovered that Amazon was taking international preorders (I live in Japan). I was patiently waiting for my bank account to tell me it would be ok to click on the “preorder” button… “just a few more weeks” is what it seemed to keep telling me.

In the meantime, I had the great idea to organize a tiny contest for one of you guys to win a ps4 as well (which is still ongoing, check details here). Given that Amazon was shipping seemingly worldwide (I hate “US only” types of contests…) it felt like a great idea.

After I organized the contest and blogged about it, several of you contacted me to tell me Amazon was only taking preorders for the US. Which greatly surprised me, since I knew they were taking preorders for Japan, I had tested that a few days before writing my contest article.

But I sadly confirmed this was true. Additionally, it seems Amazon is currently out of “preorder” stock and is not taking any preorders anymore, even in the US.

I contacted Amazon’s customer service who confirmed to me that international orders will not be possible anymore in the short term future, as they are focusing on the US market for now given the constraints on their PS4 stock. They also did not tell me (of course) when preorders/orders would be back for the US. (you’ll have to sign up for notification emails on their PS4 page for that). They also confirmed to me that existing international preorders are still ok and will not be cancelled. In other words, if you live outside of the US and were able to preorder your PS4 on Amazon before they stopped accepting international orders, you should be fine.

What does this mean for my ps4 giveaway contest? Nothing, I’ll keep doing it as advertised: If Amazon ships to the winner’s country (when the console is back in stocks), then no problem, otherwise I’ll offer the winner $400 in PSN Codes as promised.

Do you guys think the PS4 is on a path to beat all console sales? Or was the stock just poorly planned on Sony’s end?

Source: Wololo's blog
