Sorry for the english. I'll try to practice as much as I should because i'm planning to move to another country, hope gets for me. I had this machine, Macbook Air 2020 Intel i5-10th gen (retina display, touch ID, pci-e solid drive), apparently is the same mainboard and technology from Macbook Pro touchbar (have the same system, even if could be possible to attach a touchbar, it will support it), just with some stuff shrinked (just one fan, laaarge battery, very small heatsink). But its main problem resides in the known "thermal throttling" (some stuff what processors do to avoid burning), and Macbook Air is not a exception because since his heatsink is SO small, heat can't be pulled out from machine (so with *some* tasks, performance will be affected seriously) and it affects computer's performance. Apple, seriously try to connect properly heatsink to fan and this computer will have a good performance against Macbook Pro touchbar. Really his processor is good...
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