Gear VR owners are about to get a whole new channel of 360-degree video content: Samsung just announced Gear Indie, an independent film channel for its Milk VR video platform. Over the next few weeks, Samsung will be hosting a showcase of 13 curated independent virtual reality films, including a time-lapse of the Mohave Desert, an experiment in first-person stop-motion animation, a comedy short about teleportation (Teleportaled, pictured above) and even a "virtual pet" simulator filmed at the San Diego Humane Society. Gear Indie is primarily a channel for watching curated independent VR films, but Samsung also plans to use the platform to help creators make content. Throughout the year, the outfit will host Gear Indie challenges asking filmmakers to create content based on a specific theme. The company is also planning a mentorship program that pairs artists with prominent folks in the VR industry. The channel is live right now on Milk VR. Content creators can learn mo...