Yup my friends, long time no writing for yours. Since I moved from my hometown to the main city, some things have been changed. Bad business to start my new life here, have to pay a LONG debt (about $3500 USD) and guy is not a good person. Thx God have a chance and im paying as I can, and as soon as I finish it will start to develop again as I usually do (Im developing but at SLLLOOOOWWW motion). This simple article is not about asking donations as usually do. Is just to make u know there is a new era coming up. New developers, new programming stuff, everything new (like Transformers 4). People like me have to be ready or better change what I do, and since I don't change for that, I will adapt for it, change some behaviours and thinking. All of this, is for you, you take some time to read my blog, even my stupids things or articles which I really appreciate it. Remember: New era is coming. I took some borrowed words from a movie (Iron Man 3) which basically resume my life (past...
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